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  • The Paradox of Job Titles

    Job Titles: Why They Shouldn’t Matter, But Actually Do Introduction: Recently, upon changing roles at my current workplace, I observed a peculiar shift in attitude towards my skills and abilities, which were no different from the day before my promotion. It was striking to observe that within a day of my promotion, the respect and…


  • Learning Loop

    Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the way we work and posing new challenges. However, for those who have already experienced the necessity of continuous learning and adaptation throughout their careers, the transition to an AI-driven environment holds immense potential. This article explores the concept of the…


  • Leadership

    Each year, we encounter a multitude of leadership books, each touting unique insights, innovative methodologies, and claims of certain success. Despite this knowledge-rich reservoir, the comprehension and embodiment of true leadership continue to be a challenging climb for many. But what is the reason for this predicament? The realm of leadership, teeming with complexities, is…